An interview with a dancer (PAU June 2018)

In the following conversation you are going to hear some new words. Read and listen to them. Make sure you know what they mean.
channel / put so much into something / demanding / rehearsal / chill out / icon

After the listening exercise you can check your mistakes reading  the script

An Interview with a Dancer (PAU June 2018)

PRESENTER (REPORTER): You have probably seen our guest on ITV’s new show “Dance” or maybe you have been to the theater where she is now performing ‘Aladdin’.
After dancing with the ballet company for five years, she is starting to break into principal roles and discover what it means to be at the top of their profession.
Otherwise the chances are that you follow her on Instagram… after all, she boasts over 100,000 followers. In today’s program, I’m going to interview Claire Petty.


4 thoughts on “An interview with a dancer (PAU June 2018)”

  1. I have the perception that the aswer of number two is wrong cause she said she was told that she wouldn’t be able to make a career but now she is motivated to do things if someone says she cannot do them.

    1. The answer is correct. If yor read it again it says that: She liked people to tell her that she couldn’t make a career out of dancing, which is false. She didn’t like it.

    2. But she said she had a bad time dealing with people who told her she couldn’t do ballet or that she wouldn’t make it

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